Welcome to remoteprogrammer.net, a website I built to help you learn how to code and become a successful remote programmer.
Learning how to code is fun! It's also one of the most effective ways to reach better jobs and higher salaries, giving you access to a better life overall. What's incredible is that it can be learned and performed 100% remotely, right from where you are now.
Learning to code
You might have heard that programming is too hard or that you need to be a Maths genius to be good at it. You might think you don't stand a chance because you weren't hacking computers at 12. None of that is true.
Computer programming has become a fundamental skill, a skill that can be useful (if not required) in almost any field. You will find programmers coming from the most variegated backgrounds, each having learned their skills differently.
Equalizing access to opportunities
I believe that remote education and remote jobs are one of the best tools we have to help equalize access to a dignified life. I realize that not everyone in the world has access to a computer and the internet, but if you do, I hope this website will help you in your journey to becoming a successful remote programmer!